Here’s the skinny on ‘Fat’ Vegas eatery

Who says that you have to be indoors at the sports-books to enjoy all the sporting action.

The Fat Bar on the south side of Vegas’ Strip is a hidden gem and perfect place to watch sports and enjoy good food and drink.

IMG_3002From Fatburger fame, the Fat Bar features a round bar, complete with bottled liquor, at which customers can sit. Also, plenty of tables arc around the bar, and  20 plasma TVs are in easy view from those vantage points as well.

The menu includes awesome Fatburger choices such as shakes, sandwiches and burgers, including the 1.5-pound XXXL Burger. Sides such as onion rings and chili cheese fries beckon, as well.

Breakfast shines, too, with pancakes, French toast, oatmeal, breakfast burritos and egg sandwiches.

The drink menu includes specialty drinks such as the tempting Bloody Fat Mary.

This is the busiest Fatburger in the world and the only one that serves alcohol.

In April, we munched away on all these delicious goodies without missing a minute of sports-on-TV action.

Hopefully, this gem won’t stay hidden for too long.

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Article written by Steve Slosarek

Staff Writer
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